Add a allocation id to this server
Add environment vars with which the server will start
Enable the OOM killer This will kill the server if it exceeds the memory limit This may cause the server processes to exit unexpectedly This CAN cause to data corruption
Add additional allocation ids to this server
Add additional allocations to this server
The default allocation for this server
The allocation you want to assign
The default allocation for this server
The allocation id you want to assign
Set how many allocations can be created for this server
Set how many backups can be created for this server
in %
Set which cores can be used by a server Example: 0; 1-3; 4,5,6;
Set a custom docker image
The name of the limit, e.g. 'splits'
The value of the limit
Set how many databases can be created for this server
Set the description for this server
Set the disk limit for this server
in MiB
Set the docker image to in which the server will start
Set the egg for this server When not set as id this will also set the docker image, the startup command and the variables to their default values
The egg id or the egg as object
Manually set the egg id
Set the environment vars with which the server will start
Set all feature limits for this server at once
The Limits you want to set
[ADVANCED] Set the io limit for this server Documentation:
between 10 and 1000
Set all limits for this server at once
The Limits you want to set
Set the memory limit for this server
in MiB
The name for this server
Set the nest id for this server
Set the node for this server
The user that will own this server
The user's id that will own this server
Should the server skip the install process Using this will likely prevent the server from starting after the creation
Set the startup command with which the server will start This can include environment vars via {{ VAR_NAME }}
Set the swap limit for this server
in MiB
Should the server autostart when the server is done with the install process
Add a allocation id to this server